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Dr. Loren Babcock
Director of the Orton Geological Museum
Professor of Earth Sciences
The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
2025 Darwin Lecture
"Thomas Jefferson's "Great-Claw" And the Birth of American Paleontology",
February 20, 2025

Dr. Lindsay MacKenzie
Assistant Professor
Department of Geology
Eastern Washington University, Cheney, WA
2023 Darwin Lecture
"In Search of Exceptional Fossils"
February 16, 2023

Dr. Linda C. Kah
Kenneth G. Walker Professor
Carbonate Sedimentology and Geochemistry
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
The University of Tennessee-Knoxville, Knoxville, TN
2022 Darwin Lecture
"Deciphering Clues to Habitability, Jezero Crater, Mars",
February 10, 2022

Dr. Lee A. Dugatkin
Professor, Behavioral Ecologist,
Evolutionary Biologist, and Historian of Science
University of Louisville
2021 Darwin lecture (Same as the cancelled 2020 Darwin Lecture)
"How to Tame a Fox (and Build a Dog)," February 18, 2021

Dr. Donnie K. Lumm, John T. Popp, Dr. Frank R. Ettensohn
American Institute of Professional Geologists, KY-Section
Notes for Clastic and Coal Core Logging Workshop, September 20, 2019
Preliminary copy for educational use

Dr. Steven C. Wallace
East Tennessee State University
2019 Darwin lecture
Pictures from Darwin Lecture, February 21, 2019

Frank R. Ettensohn, Ph.D.
University of Kentucky
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Notes For A Carbonate Core-Logging Workshop, September 9, 2018

Dr. Richard Blane Alley
Evan Pugh Professor of Geosciences
Department of Geosciences, Earth and EnvironmentalSystem Institute
College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
Pennsylvania State University
2018 Darwin Lecture
The Surprisingly Good News on Energy and Environment, March 8, 2018

Dr. James I. Kirkland
Utah State Paleontologist
Utah Geological Survey
2017 Darwin Lecture
Dinosaurs of the Cedar Mountain Formation, Utah, February 9, 2017

Dr. Philip D. Gingerich
Professor Emeritus of Geology, Biology, and Anthropology

Curator Emeritus:Museum of Paleontology
2016 Darwin Lecture
Darwin and the Origin of Whales (Cetacea), February 19, 2016

Laura A. Norris
Department of Geosciences, Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, KY 40475
Cassie E. Simpson
Department of Geosciences, Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, KY 40475
Trent Garrison
Department of Geology & Environmental Earth Science, Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056
Paper, August 25, 2016
Relationships between surface and ground water velocities determined from dye trace experiments in McConnell Springs and Preston Cave's Spring, Lexington, Fayette County, Kentucky

To view author's abstract, click on the presentation title on the program under Technical Session Schedule and Presentations Program
April 29, 2016 KY-AIPG Professional Development Conference- "Karst Hydrology and Geotechnical Applications in Kentucky"

To view author's presentations, click on the professional conference title to open PDF under TITLE, then follow instructions on first page Program
October 16, 2015 KY-AIPG Professional Development Conference- "Geophysical Techniques and Applications: Non Invasive Methods for Subsurface Characterization and Interpretation"

To view author's abstract, click on the presentation title on the program under TITLE Program
April 17, 2015 KY-AIPG Professional Development Conference- "Unconventional Hydrocarbon (Gas-Shale) Exploration and Production in Kentucky"
April 18, 2015 KY-AIPG Professional Development Guidebook
"Silurian, Devonian, and Mississippian Hydrocarbon-Rich Horizons in Northeastern Kentucky: Perspectives in the Field"
Dr. David L. Meyer
Professor (retired), Departmnet of Geology
University of Cincinnati
2015 Darwin Lecture
A Sea Without Fish: Life in the Ordovician Sea of Cincinnati (Life of the Past), February 11, 2015

Donald K. Lumm, Ph.D., C.P.G Presentation
"A Review and Discussion of Continuing Education for Professional Geologists: Why do we need it"

Session 1: Audrey Sawyer
University of Kentucky, Department of Geological Sciences
May 29, 2014 KY-AIPG Professional Development Conference - "Aquifer Characterization-Groundwater Behavior in the Subsurface Environment"
Adobe Acrobat Presentation
"The Use of Thermistor Arrays as an Aquifer Characterization Tool and Tracer of Surface Water-Groundwater Interactions"
Session 2: Daniel Caputo
May 29, 2014 KY-AIPG Professional Development Conference - "Aquifer Characterization-Groundwater Behavior in the Subsurface Environment"
Adobe Acrobat Presentation
"High Resolution Site Characterization (HRSC): Direct Imaging Technology"
Session 3: David Vogel
May 29, 2014 KY-AIPG Professional Development Conference - "Aquifer Characterization-Groundwater Behavior in the Subsurface Environment"
Adobe Acrobat Presentation
"Real Time Monitoring of Aquifer Characterization Tests"
Session 4: Glenn Duffield
May 29, 2014 KY-AIPG Professional Development Conference - "Aquifer Characterization-Groundwater Behavior in the Subsurface Environment"
Adobe Acrobat Presentation
"Using Derivative Analysis to Improve Pumping Test Interpretation with Cooper and Jacob Method"
Session 5: Charles Taylor
Kentucky Geological Survey, Water Resources Section
May 29, 2014 KY-AIPG Professional Development Conference - "Aquifer Characterization-Groundwater Behavior in the Subsurface Environment"
Adobe Acrobat Presentation
"Hydrologic Characterization Methods Used in Karst: A Contrast to the Darcian Aquifer Model"
Session 6: Ray Boyle
Well Improvement Company
May 29, 2014 KY-AIPG Professional Development Conference - "Aquifer Characterization-Groundwater Behavior in the Subsurface Environment"
Adobe Acrobat Presentation
"Permiability Enhancement of Consolidated Bedrock Materials: Hydrofracturing for Water Production and Remidiation"
Dr. Andrew H. Knoll
Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Department of Organismic & Evolutionary Biology
Harvard University
2014 Darwin Lecture
The Deep History of Life: What Kinds of Life Charaterized the Earth during the Precambrian, April 1, 2014

Session 1 and 2: Edward Winner
Kentucky Department of Waste Management
Underground Storage Tank Branch (KUSTB)
April 26, 2013 KY-AIPG Short Course - "Residual LNAPL Impacted Sites-Conceptual Site Models and Effective Remedial Strategies"
Adobe Acrobat Presentation
"Conceptual Site Model (CSM) Discussion with Regulatory Application Case Studies"
Session 3: William R. Johnston
Linebach Funkhouser Inc. (LFI)
April 26, 2013 KY-AIPG Short Course - "Residual LNAPL Impacted Sites-Conceptual Site Models and Effective Remedial Strategies"
Adobe Acrobat Presentation
"Remedial Characterization: Filling the Gaps and Refining the CSM and Case Studies"
Session 4: Duane Guilfoil
AST Enviromental Inc.
April 26, 2013 KY-AIPG Short Course - "Residual LNAPL Impacted Sites-Conceptual Site Models and Effective Remedial Strategies"
Adobe Acrobat Presentation
"Remediation Design: Selection and Solution(s) based on refined CSM"
Session 5: Vendor Presentations April 26, 2013 KY-AIPG Short Course - "Residual LNAPL Impacted Sites-Conceptual Site Models and Effective Remedial Strategies"
Adobe Acrobat Presentation
Barry Poling (Regenesis) PetroCleanze
John Valkenburg FMC EnvironmentalSolutions Klosur Persulfate
Scott Noland RPI BOS 200
Session 6: Scott Noland
Remediation Products Inc. (RPI)
April 26, 2013 KY-AIPG Short Course - "Residual LNAPL Impacted Sites-Conceptual Site Models and Effective Remedial Strategies"
Adobe Acrobat Presentation
"Remediation Implementations: Methods for Completion and Achievement"
Session 7: Karen Thompson
Smith Management Group (SMG)
April 26, 2013 KY-AIPG Short Course - "Residual LNAPL Impacted Sites-Conceptual Site Models and Effective Remedial Strategies"
Adobe Acrobat Presentation
"Risk-Based Assessment and Closure"
Dr. Philip J. Currie
Professor, Canada Research Chair, University of Alberta, Department of Biological Sciences
Former Curator of Dinosaurs at the Royal Terrell Museum of Paleontology
Adjunct Professor, University of Calgary
2013 Darwin Lecture
Feathered Dinosaurs and the Origin of Birds, February 21, 2013

Thomas Brackman
Professor of Geology
Northern Kentucky University
October 12, 2012 - "An Overview of Environmental Geophysics"
PDF of student manuel
"An Overview of Environmental Geophysics"
Frank R. Ettensohn
University of Kentucky
Charles E. Mason
Morehead State University
March 17 to 24, 2012 Bahamas Short Course Outline "Modern Carbonate Analogs for the Geologic Record"
San Salvador Island, Bahamas
Gerace Research Center
College of the Bahamas
Course Outline
Dr. Eugenie Carol Scott
American Physical Anthropologist
Advisory Council, National Center for Science Education
2012 Darwin Lecture
Darwin: Demon or Revolutionary?, February 16, 2012

Ralph O. Ewers, Ph.D., P.G.
Eastern Kentucky University, Emeritus
Ewers Water Consultants (
Peter Idstein, M.S., P.G.
University of Kentucky
October 19, 2011 Short Course "Karst Hydrogeology and Contaminated Site Assessment and Remediation"
PowerPoint presentation
Introduction and some Case Histories
Karst Hydrogelogy
Dye Tracing Fundamentals
The Storage and Transport of Non Aqueous Phase Liquids in Karst Aquifers:
Fundamental Concepts and Examples

On the Efficacy of Monitoring Wells in Karstic Carbonate Aquifers
Geophysics and Other Remote Methods
A Little Geochemistry and Some Useful Physical Characteristics relating to Karst Aquifers
Tyler Gass, Executive V.P.
Tetra Tech GEO
April 19, 2011 Conference - "An Overview of Contaminated Site Investigation and Remediation"
Adobe Acrobat presentation
SITE CHARACTERIZATION Part 1: Non-Intrusive Site Characterization Technologies
SITE CHARACTERIZATION Part 2: Intrusive Investigation Technologies
James C. Miller
Catskill Remediation
April 19, 2011 Conference - "An Overview of Contaminated Site Investigation and Remediation"
Powerpoint presentation
Yellow Iron Remediation Activities
Craig E. Marlow
Cemcor Environmental Services (CES)
April 19, 2011 Conference - "An Overview of Contaminated Site Investigation and Remediation"
Powerpoint presentation
Offering you the finest environmental contracting services, products, and remedial technologies available
Jeff Mills
Chemviron Midwest, Inc.
April 19, 2011 Conference - "An Overview of Contaminated Site Investigation and Remediation"
Powerpoint presentation
Remediation System Design and Implementation
M. Tony Lieberman and Jim Cuthbertson
EOS Remediation
April 19, 2011 Conference - "An Overview of Contaminated Site Investigation and Remediation"
Powerpoint presentation
Enhanced "In Situ" Bioremediation using the EOS Family of Products
Jim Begley
inVentures Technologies, Inc. (iTi)
April 19, 2011 Conference - "An Overview of Contaminated Site Investigation and Remediation"
Powerpoint presentation
Gas inFusion System for Groundwater Remediation
Larry Kinsman
ORIN Remediation Technologies
April 19, 2011 Conference - "An Overview of Contaminated Site Investigation and Remediation"
Powerpoint presentation
"The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly" Experiences of Chemical Oxidation and Why
The University of Kansas PowerPoint presentation
Career opportunities in the Geosciences
Trende (Trent) M. Garrison Energy and the environment: Why is understanding geology important
Douglas W. Reynolds In Search of Big Oil
Brandon Nuttall Sequestration for Managing Carbon
Dr. James F. Howard Global Warming: Man-made Catastrophe or Natural Cycle?
Dr. James F. Howard Narrative Powerpoint presentation
Energy Alternatives and Projections
The Future of Energy Production: A brief assessment of available resources and alternatives

Dr. James F. Howard Narrative Powerpoint presentation
Desertification: Interaction Between Man and the Earth System
Dr. James F. Howard Narrative Powerpoint presentation
Extinction: Bane or Boon in Geologic History?
Dr. James F. Howard Narrative Powerpoint presentation
Global Warming-Reality or Myth?
Climate Cycles and Interactions with Man

Dr. James F. Howard Narrative Powerpoint presentation
Ozone Depletion and the Ozone Hole
Man vs. the Earth System

Timothy Crumbie Underground Storage Tanks and the Environment
     PART 1: Overview
   PART 2: USTS from a Geologist's Perspective
     PART 3: Contaminant Remediation
Dr. Jack Horner
Curator, Museum of the Rockies
Professor of Paleontology, Montana State University
2011 Darwin Lecture
How to Build a Dinosaur: Extinction Does Not Have To Be Forever, February 10, 2011

No speaker for 2010 Discussion to create a Darwin Lecture Series

Dr. Dennis Stanford, Anthropologist
Director of Smithsonian's Paleoindian/Paleoecology Program
2007-2009 United Nations International Year of Planet Earth
November 12, 2009
Seeking the First Americans: A Discussion on the Origins of Humans in the New World

Dr. R. Timothy Patterson, Director & Professor at Carlton University
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Dr. Kurt M. Cuffey, Professor & Department Chair
Department of Geography and department of Earth & Planetary Sciences
University of California, Berkeley
2007-2009 United Nations International Year of Planet Earth
November 10, 2008
Dr. Patterson - The Natural Causation of Global Change Through his Research
Dr. Cuffey - The Human-Influenced Causation of Global Climate Change Through his Research